Tailwind CSS provides utility classes for setting the width and height of your elements, allowing for responsive control over their dimensions.
Tailwind offers classes with the prefix w- for width control.
These are often used for responsive layouts. Classes with the prefix w- followed by a percentage value (e.g., w-1/2, w-3/4) define the element's width as a percentage of its parent container.
For setting a specific pixel width, use classes like w-px (1 pixel), w-2 (2 pixels), and so on, based on Tailwind's spacing scale.
Control width based on screen sizes using responsive prefixes like md:, lg:, etc. For example, md:w-1/2 lg:w-1/3 makes the element half-width on medium screens and one-third width on large screens and above.
Like width, Tailwind offers classes with the prefix h- for height control:
Use classes like h-1/2, h-full (100% height of the parent) for responsive layouts.
Set a specific pixel height with classes like h-px, h-10, etc.
Apply h-vh or h-lvh for viewport height or largest viewport height, respectively.
Use screen size prefixes (e.g., sm:h-20 md:h-32) to adjust height based on screen size.
<div class="container">
<div class="w-1/2 bg-red-200 p-4"> This element is half the width of its container. </div>
<div class="w-full h-20 bg-blue-200 p-4"> This element spans the full width and has a fixed height of 20 pixels. </div>
<div class="md:w-3/4 lg:h-vh bg-green-200 p-4"> This element becomes 3/4 width on medium screens and takes up the full viewport height on large screens and above. </div>
You can use negative width or height values (e.g., -h-3 and -w-2) to achieve overlapping elements or create spacing effects.