What is package?
These are the packages that are part of the Java Standard Edition (SE) and are automatically available for use.
It already developed by java people and integrated with JDK for use.
Some commonly used built-in packages include:
Examples: Include Object, String, and basic data types like int, float etc…
Example: Let's create a simple example using a built-in package. We'll use the java.util package, specifically the ArrayList class, to create a basic program.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class BuiltInPackageExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an ArrayList of strings
ArrayList<String> fruits = new ArrayList<>();
// Add elements to the ArrayList
// Display the elements in the ArrayList
System.out.println("Fruits in the ArrayList:");
for (String fruit : fruits) {
1. We import the ArrayList class from the java.util package.
2. We create an ArrayList named fruits to store strings.
3. We add three fruits to the ArrayList.
4. Finally, we use a loop to iterate through the ArrayList and print the fruits.
To compile and run this code:
javac BuiltInPackageExample.java
java BuiltInPackageExample
Fruits in the ArrayList:
These are packages created by Java developers (like- us) to organize their own classes and interfaces.
User-defined packages help manage and structure code within a project.
A user-defined package can also contain subpackages.
To create a user-defined package, you use the package statement at the beginning of your Java source file.
package com.example.myproject;
class MyClass {
// class members and methods
Example: Let's create a simple example of a user-defined package with a couple of classes. We'll create a package named com.example.myproject with two classes: Calculator and App
Calculator.java (inside the directory com/example/myproject):
package com.example.myproject;
public class Calculator {
public static int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
public static int subtract(int a, int b) {
return a - b;
App.java (outside the com/example/myproject directory):
import com.example.myproject.Calculator;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int resultAdd = Calculator.add(5, 3);
int resultSubtract = Calculator.subtract(10, 4);
System.out.println("Addition Result: " + resultAdd);
System.out.println("Subtraction Result: " + resultSubtract);
1. Save the Calculator.java file inside the directory com/example/myproject.
2. Save the App.java file in the same directory where you saved com.
3. Open a terminal or command prompt.
4. Navigate to the directory containing com and App.java.
5. Compile the code using the following commands:
javac com/example/myproject/Calculator.java
javac App.java
6. Run the application:
java App
Addition Result: 8
Subtraction Result: 6