React Component Properties

React components use properties (referred as "props") to pass data from one component to another, usually from a parent component to a child component. Props are read-only and immutable, meaning that a child component cannot modify them. 


Defining Props in Parent Component:

Props are passed from the parent component when the child component is rendered.


Accessing Props in Child Component:

The child component can access these props and use them within its render method or any lifecycle methods.



Create a simple example to illustrate how props are used:


Parent Component:

   import React from 'react';
   import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent';
   const ParentComponent = () => {
       const message = "Hello from Parent!";
       const number = 42;
       return (
               <h1>This is the Parent Component</h1>
               <ChildComponent message={message} number={number} />
   export default ParentComponent;


Child Component:

import React from 'react';
   import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
   const ChildComponent = ({ message, number }) => {
       return (
               <h2>This is the Child Component</h2>
               <p>Message: {message}</p>
               <p>Number: {number}</p>
   ChildComponent.propTypes = {
       message: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
       number: PropTypes.number.isRequired
     export default ChildComponent;


Using Destructuring

To make the code cleaner, you can use destructuring to extract props directly in the function parameters.

Child Component with Destructuring

 import React from 'react';
   const ChildComponent = ({ message, number }) => {
       return (
               <h2>This is the Child Component</h2>
               <p>Message: {message}</p>
               <p>Number: {number}</p>
   export default ChildComponent;



To ensure that components receive the correct types of props, you can use PropTypes, which provides type-checking for props.


Using PropTypes

   import React from 'react';
   import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
   const ChildComponent = ({ message, number }) => {
       return (
               <h2>This is the Child Component</h2>
               <p>Message: {message}</p>
               <p>Number: {number}</p>
   ChildComponent.propTypes = {
       message: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
       number: PropTypes.number.isRequired
   export default ChildComponent;