
Inheritance allows new classes (or constructor functions) to be created based on existing classes. This enables the child class to reuse methods and properties from a parent class, providing flexibility and code reuse.


// Parent class
function Vehicle(make, model, year) {
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model;
    this.year = year;

// Method shared by all vehicles = function() {
    console.log("This is a " + this.year + " " + this.make + " " + this.model);

// Child class inheriting from Vehicle
function Car(make, model, year, color) {, make, model, year); // Call parent constructor
    this.color = color;

// Inherit methods from Vehicle
Car.prototype = Object.create(Vehicle.prototype);
Car.prototype.constructor = Car;

// Additional method for Car class = function() {
    console.log("Driving the " + this.color + " " + this.make + " " + this.model);

// Create instances
var myCar = new Car("Renault", "Kwid", 2024, "blue");
var anotherCar = new Car("Honda", "Civic", 2023, "red");

// Call methods;       // Outputs: "This is a 2024 Renault Kwid";      // Outputs: "Driving the blue Renault Kwid";  // Outputs: "This is a 2023 Honda Civic"; // Outputs: "Driving the red Honda Civic"



  • We have a parent class Vehicle with a method info.
  • The child class Car inherits from Vehicle using prototype-based inheritance.
  • Car introduces its own method drive.
  • Instances of Car can access methods from both Vehicle and Car classes, and they also inherit shared properties from Vehicle.

Using extend keyword

The extends keyword is used to create a child class based on a parent class. This keyword facilitates the child class in inheriting all the properties and behavior (methods) of its parent class.



// Using extend keyword
class Parent {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    greet() {
        console.log(`Hello, ${}!`);

class Child extends Parent {
    constructor(name, age) {
        super(name); // Call the constructor of the Parent class
        this.age = age;

    introduce() {
        console.log(`My name is ${} and I am ${this.age} years old.`);

const child = new Child("Rajesh", 10);
child.greet();      // Outputs: "Hello, Rajesh!"
child.introduce();  // Outputs: "My name is Alice and I am 10 years old."