Version of JavaScript



JavaScript Versions are:

  • ECMAScript 1 (ES1): The first version of ECMAScript was published in June 1997. It laid the foundation for the language.


  • ECMAScript 2 (ES2): Released in June 1998, this version included minor updates and bug fixes.


  • ECMAScript 3 (ES3): Published in December 1999, ES3 brought significant improvements and is widely supported across browsers. It remained the standard for many years.


  • ECMAScript 4 (ES4): This version was abandoned due to disagreements within the community about the proposed changes, and it was never officially released.


  • ECMAScript 5 (ES5): Released in December 2009, ES5 introduced new features and improvements, including strict mode.


  • ECMAScript 6 (ES6) : Published in June 2015, ES6 was a major update to the language. It introduced arrow functions, classes, template literals, and other features that significantly improved the developer experience.


  • ECMAScript 7 (ES7): Released in June 2016, this version brought only a few new features, including the exponentiation operator.


  • ECMAScript 8 (ES8): Published in June 2017, ES2017 introduced features like async/await, shared memory, and atomics.


  • ECMAScript 9 (ES9): Released in June 2018, ES2018 included features such as asynchronous iteration, rest/spread properties, and more.


  • ECMAScript 10 (ES10): Published in June 2019, this version added features like Array.prototype.flat, Array.prototype.flatMap, and Object.fromEntries.


  • ECMAScript 11 (ES11): Released in June 2020, ES2020 introduced features such as BigInt, dynamic import(), and the nullish coalescing operator `??`.


  • ECMAScript 12 (ES12): Published in June 2021, ES2021 brought features like the Logical Assignment Operators (||=, &&=, ??=) and the String.prototype.replaceAll method.


JavaScript is continually evolving, with new features and improvements being added in each yearly ECMAScript specification. Developers often refer to the language by its ECMAScript version to indicate the set of features and language specifications supported.