MySQL replication is the process by which data from one MySQL server (called the master) is automatically copied to one or more MySQL servers (called slaves). This enables a range of use cases like high availability, scalability, and load balancing.
1. Types of MySQL Replication
- Master-Slave Replication: One master replicating to one or more slaves.
- Master-Master Replication: Both servers act as masters, replicating to each other. Useful for high availability but may lead to conflicts.
- Circular Replication: A multi-master setup where each server is both a master and a slave.Circular Replication: A multi-master setup where each server is both a master and a slave.
- Multi-Source Replication: A slave can replicate from multiple masters, allowing for merging data from different sources.
2. Setting Up MySQL Replication
Step 1: Master Configuration
- Enable Binary Logging: Edit the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini on Windows) on the master server to enable binary logging and set a unique server ID.
log-bin = mysql-bin
server-id = 1 # Unique ID for the master
- Create a Replication User: Create a user on the master that will be used by the slave to connect and replicate data.
CREATE USER 'replica_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replica_user'@'%';
- Lock the Master and Get the Binary Log Coordinates: To ensure consistency, lock the master during the backup.
Take note of the binary log file (File) and the log position (Position) returned by SHOW MASTER STATUS.
- Backup the Master Database: You can now take a backup of the master database using mysqldump or another backup tool while the tables are locked.
mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases --master-data > master_backup.sql
- Unlock the Master: After the backup is completed, you can unlock the master tables.
Step 2: Slave Configuration
- Configure the Slave: Edit the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf) on the slave server and set a unique server-id. Ensure it’s different from the master and other slaves.
server-id = 2 # Unique ID for the slave
- Restore the Master Backup: Restore the backup that you created from the master onto the slave server.
mysql -u root -p < master_backup.sql
- Configure the Slave to Connect to the Master: On the slave, set up replication by specifying the master server's host, user, password, binary log file, and position.
MASTER_HOST = 'master_host_ip',
MASTER_USER = 'replica_user',
MASTER_PASSWORD = 'password',
MASTER_LOG_FILE = 'mysql-bin.000001',
- Start the Slave: Start the replication process on the slave.
- Check the Slave Status: To verify that replication is working, check the slave status.
Look for the following lines:
- Slave_IO_Running: Yes
- Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
If both are "Yes", replication is working correctly.
3. Advantages of MySQL Replication
- High Availability: In case of a master failure, you can promote a slave to act as the new master.
- Load Balancing: You can distribute read queries across multiple slaves to balance the load and reduce the master’s workload.
- Backup Solutions: Use replication to take backups from the slave without affecting the performance of the master.
4. Drawbacks of MySQL Replication
- Eventual Consistency: Replication is asynchronous by default, so slaves may lag behind the master.
- Conflict Resolution: In master-master replication, conflicts can occur if both masters are updating the same data simultaneously.
5. Advanced MySQL Replication Features
- GTID-Based Replication: MySQL also supports replication using Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs), which simplifies failover processes.
- Multi-Source Replication: You can replicate data from multiple masters into a single slave, allowing for data consolidation from different sources.