MySQL Storage Engines

MySQL supports various storage engines that determine how data is stored, indexed, and retrieved within a database. Each storage engine offers different features and optimizations for specific types of workloads. The two most common storage engines are InnoDB and MyISAM, but there are others with unique features that may suit different use cases.



1. InnoDB (Default Storage Engine)

InnoDB is the default storage engine in MySQL as of version 5.5. It provides full support for ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions and is known for its high performance, crash recovery, and reliability.


Key Features:

  • Transactions: Supports transactions with COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and SAVEPOINT.
  • Row-Level Locking: Provides better concurrency for multiple users by locking only the rows being accessed.
  • Foreign Key Constraints: Supports referential integrity through foreign keys, ensuring relationships between tables are consistent.
  • Crash Recovery: Uses a write-ahead log for crash recovery.
  • Data Integrity: Enforces strict data integrity and constraints.
  • Tablespace: Supports innodb_file_per_table for storing each table's data separately.


Use Cases:

  • Applications that require high performance and ACID compliance (e.g., banking systems, e-commerce platforms).
  • When data integrity and foreign key support are crucial.



2. MyISAM (Legacy Storage Engine)

MyISAM was the default storage engine in MySQL before InnoDB became the default. It is simpler and faster for read-heavy operations but lacks some of the features of InnoDB, such as transaction support and foreign keys.


Key Features:

  • Table-Level Locking: Locks the entire table during read or write operations, which may lead to performance issues with concurrent writes.
  • No Transactions: Does not support transactions or COMMIT and ROLLBACK.
  • Full-Text Search: MyISAM supports full-text indexing, making it useful for text-heavy applications.
  • Smaller Storage: Generally, it uses less storage space than InnoDB.
  • Faster Reads: MyISAM is optimized for read-heavy workloads.


Use Cases:

  • Read-heavy applications where transactions are not needed.
  • Legacy systems that were designed around MyISAM.
  • Applications requiring full-text search.



3. Memory (HEAP)

The Memory storage engine (formerly called HEAP) stores all data in memory, providing extremely fast data access. However, data is lost when the server is restarted since it is not written to disk.


Key Features:

  • In-Memory Data: Data is stored in RAM, leading to very fast data access.
  • Table-Level Locking: Like MyISAM, it uses table-level locking.
  • No Durability: Data is lost if the server crashes or restarts, as it is not persisted to disk.
  • Fixed Row Format: Does not support variable-length data types like BLOB or TEXT.


Use Cases:

  • Temporary tables for session data, caching, or quick lookups.
  • Applications that need very fast read and write access but do not require data persistence.



4. CSV

The CSV storage engine stores data in plain text files in comma-separated values (CSV) format. It is useful for importing and exporting data between MySQL and other systems.


Key Features:

  • Plain Text Storage: Each table is stored as a CSV file on disk.
  • No Indexing: Does not support indexing, foreign keys, or transactions.
  • Human-Readable Format: Data can be easily read and edited with any text editor.


Use Cases:

  • Importing/exporting data between MySQL and external applications.
  • Simple data storage that requires no advanced features like transactions or indexing.