Jese Leos

TypeScript vs JavaScript: Know The Difference

TypeScript and JavaScript are both programming languages that are widely used for web development, but they have some key differences. Here are the main distinctions between TypeScript and JavaScript:

1.  Static Typing:

  • JavaScript: It is a dynamically-typed language, meaning variable types are determined at runtime.
  • TypeScript: It is a statically-typed language, allowing for the definition of variable types at compile-time. This helps catch potential errors during development.

2. Type Annotations:

  • JavaScript: Doesn't support type annotations.
  • TypeScript: Supports type annotations, allowing developers to explicitly define the types of variables, function parameters, and return types.

3. Code Readability and Maintainability:

  • JavaScript: Some argue that dynamic typing can lead to more concise and flexible code
  • TypeScript: Supporters argue that static typing enhances code readability, provides better tooling support, and can catch certain types of errors early in the development process.

4. Tooling and IDE Support:

  • JavaScript: Limited tooling support compared to TypeScript.
  • TypeScript: Developed as a superset of JavaScript, it offers enhanced tooling support, autocompletion, and better integration with modern IDEs.

5. Compatibility:

  • JavaScript: Code written in JavaScript can run in any browser without the need for compilation.
  • TypeScript: It needs to be transpiled to JavaScript before running in a browser. TypeScript code can be compiled to various ECMAScript versions based on the target environment.

6. ECMAScript Standards:

  • JavaScript: Follows ECMAScript standards, with the latest version being ECMAScript 2021 (ES12).
  • TypeScript: Typically aligns with ECMAScript standards but may include features from future standards as well.

7. Development Experience:

  • JavaScript: Offers a more flexible and forgiving development experience.
  • TypeScript: Can require additional effort for type annotations, but this can lead to better code quality, especially in larger projects.

8.Community and Ecosystem:

  • JavaScript: Has a massive and mature ecosystem with a wide range of libraries and frameworks.
  • TypeScript: Growing rapidly and is widely adopted, with many popular projects and frameworks providing TypeScript support.

9. Adoption in Large Codebases:

  • JavaScript: Commonly used in smaller projects or projects where quick development is a priority.
  • TypeScript: Often preferred in larger codebases or projects where maintainability and scalability are critical.

For Better Understanding with code Example:


JavaScript Example:

// JavaScript
function addNumbers(a, b) {
    return a + b;

const result = addNumbers(5, 10);
console.log(result); // Output: 15


TypeScript Example:

// TypeScript
function addNumbers(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a + b;

const result: number = addNumbers(5, 10);
console.log(result); // Output: 15