Jese Leos

Week Wise Basic to Advanced Python syllabus


Week 1: Introduction to Python

  • Introduction to Programming and Python
    • What is Python?
    • History of Python
    • Python 2 vs Python 3
    • Installing Python and setting up the environment
  • Basic Syntax
    • Writing and executing Python scripts
    • Python interactive shell
    • Basic syntax and structure
    • Comments and documentation


Week 2: Basic Data Types and Operations

  • Variables and Data Types
    • Numbers (int, float, complex)
    • Strings
    • Booleans
    • Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
  • Basic Operations
    • Arithmetic operations
    • String operations
    • List operations
    • Comparison and logical operations


Week 3: Control Flow

  • Conditionals
    • if, else, elif statements
  • Loops
    • for loops
    • while loops
    • Nested loops
  • Comprehensions
    • List comprehensions
    • Dictionary comprehensions
    • Set comprehensions


Week 4: Functions and Modules

  • Functions
    • Defining and calling functions
    • Function arguments and return values
    • Lambda functions
    • Scope and lifetime of variables
  • Modules and Packages
    • Importing modules
    • Standard library modules
    • Creating and using packages


Week 5: Data Structures

  • Advanced Data Structures
    • Lists and list methods
    • Tuples
    • Sets and set methods
    • Dictionaries and dictionary methods
  • Collections Module
    • namedtuple
    • defaultdict
    • Counter
    • OrderedDict
    • deque


Week 6: File Handling

  • Reading and Writing Files
    • Text files
    • Binary files
    • CSV files
  • File Methods
    • open, close, read, write, append
    • Using 'with' statement for file operations


Week 7: Exception Handling

  • Errors and Exceptions
    • Syntax errors
    • Runtime errors
    • Logical errors
  • Exception Handling
    • try, except, else, finally blocks
    • Raising exceptions
    • Custom exceptions


Week 8: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Classes and Objects
    • Defining classes
    • Creating objects
    • Instance variables and methods
  • Inheritance
    • Single and multiple inheritance
    • Method overriding
  • Encapsulation and Polymorphism


Week 9: Advanced Topics

  • Decorators
    • Function decorators
    • Class decorators
  • Generators and Iterators
    • Yield keyword
    • Creating iterators
    • Using generators
  • Context Managers
    • The with statement
    • Creating custom context managers


Week 10: Data Science with Python

  • Introduction to Numpy
    • Arrays and array operations
    • Numpy functions and methods
  • Introduction to Pandas
    • DataFrames and Series
    • Reading and writing data
    • Data manipulation and analysis


Week 11: Web Development with Flask/Django

  • Introduction to Web Development
    • Setting up Flask/Django
    • Basic routing
    • Templates
    • Forms and validation
  • Database Integration
    • SQLAlchemy (for Flask)
    • Django ORM


Week 12: Testing and Debugging

  • Unit Testing
    • Writing test cases using unittest
    • Running tests
    • Test discovery
  • Debugging
    • Debugging techniques
    • Using pdb
    • Debugging tools in IDEs


Week 13: Working with APIs

  • RESTful APIs
    • Understanding REST architecture
    • Consuming APIs using requests
  • Building APIs with Flask/Django
    • Flask-RESTful
    • Django Rest Framework


Week 14: Concurrency

  • Threading
    • Introduction to threading
    • Creating and managing threads
    • Thread synchronization
  • Multiprocessing
    • Introduction to multiprocessing
    • Creating and managing processes
    • Inter-process communication


Week 15: Advanced Libraries and Tools

  • Data Visualization
    • Matplotlib
    • Seaborn
  • Machine Learning
    • Introduction to scikit-learn
    • Basic machine learning algorithms
  • Other Tools
    • Web scraping with BeautifulSoup and Scrapy
    • Automating tasks with Selenium


Week 16: Capstone Project and Review

  • Capstone Project
    • End-to-end project using multiple concepts learned
    • Presentation and code review
  • Review and Q&A
    • Recap of key topics
    • Q&A session
    • Additional resources for further learning

if you follow the python syllabus you become the very powerful and more experienced developer in 16 week only and it is not the very long time