
Number Methods


JavaScript has multiple built-in methods for working with numbers.


Some commonly used methods:


1. toFixed()

It converts a number to a string with rounding to a specified number of decimal places.



// toFixed()
let num = 15.335;
let result = num.toFixed(2); // Result will be "15.33"


2. toPrecision()

It converts a number to a string with rounding it to a specified number of significant digits.



// toPricision
let num = 123.456789;
let result = num.toPrecision(4); // Result will be "123.5"


3. toString()

It converts a number to a string.



// toString()
let num = 12;
let result = num.toString(); // Result will be "12"


4. parseInt()

It parses a string and returns an integer.



// parseInt()
let str = "12";
let result = parseInt(str); // Result will be 12


5. parseFloat()

It parses a string and returns a floating-point number.



// parseFloat()
let str = "1.23";
let result = parseFloat(str); // Result will be 1.23


6. IsNan()

It checks whether a value is Not-a-Number(NaN).



// isNan()
let num = 23;
let result = isNaN(num); // Result will be false