To create an array, we can use the array literal syntax, which involves enclosing the elements inside square brackets [].
// Declaring an empty array
let myArray = [];
// defining an array with elements
let skills = ['javascript', 'php', 'dotnet'];
// defining an array with elements
let skills = ['javascript', 'php', 'dotnet'];
Arrays in JavaScript can hold multiple data types making it complex data structure.
// Arrays can contain elements of different types
let mixedArr = [23, 'coders', true, { name: 'Rohit' }];
// Accessing elements in an array
console.log(skills[0]); // Outputs: javascript
console.log(mixedArr[2]); // Outputs: true
// Modifying elements in an array
skills[1] = 'laravel'; // Modifying the second element
console.log(skills); // Outputs: ['javascript', 'laravel', 'dotnet'];
Methods | Description |
concat() | It returns a new array object that contains two or more merged arrays. |
copywithin() | It copies the part of the given array with its own elements and returns the modified array. |
entries() | It creates an iterator object and a loop that iterates over each key/value pair. |
every() | It determines whether all the elements of an array are satisfying the provided function conditions. |
flat() | It creates a new array carrying sub-array elements concatenated recursively till the specified depth. |
flatMap() | It maps all array elements via mapping function, then flattens the result into a new array. |
fill() | It fills elements into an array with static values. |
from() | It creates a new array carrying the exact copy of another array element. |
filter() | It returns the new array containing the elements that pass the provided function conditions. |
find() | It returns the value of the first element in the given array that satisfies the specified condition. |
findIndex() | It returns the index value of the first element in the given array that satisfies the specified condition. |
forEach() | It invokes the provided function once for each element of an array. |
includes() | It checks whether the given array contains the specified element. |
indexOf() | It searches the specified element in the given array and returns the index of the first match. |
isArray() | It tests if the passed value ia an array. |
join() | It joins the elements of an array as a string. |
keys() | It creates an iterator object that contains only the keys of the array, then loops through these keys. |
lastIndexOf() | It searches the specified element in the given array and returns the index of the last match. |
map() | It calls the specified function for every array element and returns the new array |
of() | It creates a new array from a variable number of arguments, holding any type of argument. |
pop() | It removes and returns the last element of an array. |
push() | It adds one or more elements to the end of an array. |
reverse() | It reverses the elements of given array. |
reduce(function, initial) | It executes a provided function for each value from left to right and reduces the array to a single value. |
reduceRight() | It executes a provided function for each value from right to left and reduces the array to a single value. |
It determines if any element of the array passes the test of the implemented function. | |
shift() | It removes and returns the first element of an array. |
slice() | It returns a new array containing the copy of the part of the given array. |
sort() | It returns the element of the given array in a sorted order. |
splice() | It add/remove elements to/from the given array. |
toLocaleString() | It returns a string containing all the elements of a specified array. |
toString() | It converts the elements of a specified array into string form, without affecting the original array. |
unshift() | It adds one or more elements in the beginning of the given array. |
values() | It creates a new iterator object carrying values for each index in the array. |