Adding Custom Fields to Registration Form

To add custom fields to the registration form generated by Laravel Breeze, you'll need to make modifications to the views, controllers, and migrations. Here's a step-by-step guide:


Update the Migration:

If you need to add custom fields to the users table, modify the migration file located at database/migrations/create_users_table.php. Add the desired columns within the up method. For example:

Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->string('custom_field'); // Add custom field here

Then, run the migration to apply the changes:

php artisan migrate


Update the Registration View:

 Modify the registration view to include input fields for your custom fields. You can find the registration view in resources/views/auth/register.blade.php. Add input fields similar to:

<div class="mt-4">
    <label for="custom_field" class="block font-medium text-sm text-gray-700">Custom Field</label>
    <input id="custom_field" type="text" name="custom_field" value="{{ old('custom_field') }}" required autocomplete="custom_field" class="form-input rounded-md shadow-sm mt-1 block w-full"/>


Update the Validation Rules: 

If necessary, update the validation rules for the registration form. You can find the validation rules in the app/Http/Controllers/Auth/RegisterController.php file, within the validator method.


Update the Registration Controller: 

Modify the create method in the RegisterController to include the custom field in the user creation process.


Update the User Model:

 If you added custom fields to the users table, make sure they are fillable in the User model located at app/Models/User.php. Add them to the $fillable array to allow mass assignment.



Finally, test the registration form to ensure that the custom fields are being properly validated and saved to the database.



By following these steps, you can easily add custom fields to the registration form generated by Laravel Breeze and handle them in your application.