Laravel Blade conditional statements

In Laravel's Blade templating engine, you can use conditional statements to conditionally render content based on certain conditions. Blade provides several directives for handling conditional logic. Here are some common conditional directives:


Here is Some Very Useful Conditional Statement



The @if directive is used to conditionally display content if a certain condition is true:

@if ($condition)
    // Content to display if the condition is true



The @else directive is used in conjunction with @if to display content when the condition is false:

@if ($condition)
    // Content to display if the condition is true
    // Content to display if the condition is false



The @elseif directive allows you to specify additional conditions to check if the initial @if condition is false:

@if ($condition1)
    // Content to display if condition1 is true
@elseif ($condition2)
    // Content to display if condition2 is true and condition1 is false
    // Content to display if both condition1 and condition2 are false



The @unless directive is the opposite of @if. It displays content unless a certain condition is true:

@unless ($condition)
    // Content to display if the condition is false


@if ($user->isAdmin())
    <p>Welcome, Admin!</p>
    <p>Welcome, User!</p>

In this example, if the isAdmin() method of the $user object returns true, it will display "Welcome, Admin!". Otherwise, it will display "Welcome, User!".


@isset and @empty

The @isset directive checks if a variable is set and not null, while @empty checks if a variable is empty:

    // $variable is set and not null

    // $variable is empty



The @switch directive is used to perform a multi-way switch statement:

        // Content to display if $variable equals 'value1'

        // Content to display if $variable equals 'value2'

        // Content to display if $variable doesn't match any cases


Conditional Statements

You can use the ternary operator inside Blade directives:

{{ $variable ? 'True' : 'False' }}


Logical Operators

You can use logical operators like &&, ||, ! within Blade directives for more complex conditions.

@if ($user->isAdmin() && $user->isVerified())
    // Content to display if the user is both an admin and verified

These are some of the common conditional directives and techniques in Laravel's Blade templating engine. They provide powerful tools for building dynamic and interactive views in your Laravel applications.