laravel Blade Loops

In Laravel's Blade templating engine, you can use loops to iterate over arrays, collections, or ranges. Blade provides directives for various types of loops. Here are some common loop directives:


In Laravel Blade there are 3 Loops


1. @foreach

The @foreach directive is used to iterate over arrays or collections:

@foreach ($items as $item)
    {{ $item }}

You can also access the current index using @foreach ($items as $index => $item), where $index represents the index of the current item.


2. @for

The @for directive is used for a traditional loop structure:

@for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
    {{ $i }}


3. @while

The @while directive is used to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a condition is true:

    $i = 0;

@while ($i < 5)
    {{ $i }}


There are Possible way to use Loops


Loop Control

Blade also provides loop control directives:

  • @continue to skip the current iteration and continue with the next one.
  • @break to stop the loop execution.
@foreach ($items as $item)
    @if ($item === 'skip')

    {{ $item }}

    @if ($item === 'stop')


Loop Variables

Within loops, Blade automatically provides loop variables such as $loop->index, $loop->iteration, $loop->first, $loop->last, etc., which you can use to get information about the current loop iteration.

@foreach ($items as $item)
    {{ $loop->index }}: {{ $item }}


Nested Loops

You can also nest loops within each other:

@foreach ($users as $user)
    @foreach ($user->posts as $post)
        {{ $user->name }} - {{ $post->title }}

These are some of the common loop directives and techniques in Laravel's Blade templating engine. They provide powerful tools for iterating over data and displaying dynamic content in your views.