Validating user input

Validation of User Input

Validating user input is crucial for ensuring data integrity and security in your application. Laravel provides a convenient way to validate incoming data using validation rules. Here's how you can validate user input in your Laravel contact form:


Validation Rules

Define the validation rules for each input field in your form. You can specify these rules in the submit method of your controller before processing the form data.

Here's how you can integrate validation into your Laravel contact form:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ContactFormController extends Controller
    public function show()
        return view('contact');

    public function submit(Request $request)
        // Validate the form data
            'name' => 'required|string|max:255',
            'email' => 'required|email|max:255',
            'message' => 'required|string',

        // If validation passes, process the form data
        // For example, send an email or store data in the database

        return redirect('/contact')->with('success', 'Your message has been sent successfully!');

In this example:

  • We use the validate method provided by Laravel on the $request object.
  • We define validation rules for each input field using a fluent interface. For example, 'name' => 'required|string|max:255' means that the 'name' field is required, must be a string, and must not exceed 255 characters.
  • If validation fails, Laravel will automatically redirect the user back to the form with the validation errors. You can access these errors in your Blade view to display them to the user.
  • If validation passes, you can proceed with processing the form data. In this example, we redirect the user back to the contact form with a success message using the with method.

Error Messages

If validation fails, you'll want to redirect the user back to the form with appropriate error messages to inform them of the errors they made.

In your Blade view (contact.blade.php), you can display validation errors next to each input field like this:

@if ($errors->any())
    <div class="alert alert-danger">
            @foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
                <li>{{ $error }}</li>

This will display a list of validation errors above the form if there are any.