Laravel migration rollback

In Laravel, migration rollback is a way to undo the last batch of migrations that were applied to the database. This can be useful during development or testing if you need to revert your database to a previous state. Here's how you can perform a migration rollback:


Rollback the Last Batch of Migrations:

You can use the migrate:rollback Artisan command to rollback the last batch of migrations:

php artisan migrate:rollback

This command will execute the down() method for each migration that belongs to the last batch, effectively undoing the changes made by those migrations. By default, Laravel rolls back the last batch of migrations that were run.


Rollback Specific Number of Batches:

If you want to rollback a specific number of batches of migrations, you can use the --step option:

php artisan migrate:rollback --step=2

This command will rollback the last two batches of migrations.


Rollback to a Specific Migration:

If you want to rollback all migrations and start fresh from a specific migration, you can use the migrate:reset or migrate:rollback --step=1 command:

php artisan migrate:reset   
php artisan migrate:rollback --step=1

This command will rollback all migrations, effectively undoing all changes made to the database schema.

Alternatively, you can rollback to a specific migration by specifying the migration's class name:

php artisan migrate:rollback --path=database/migrations/2022_03_13_123456_create_users_table.php